
哥大法学院李本教授讲座- “中国法庭中的人工智能”-“重新思考东亚法律的文化构建”系列(5)

云里峰主 云里阅天下 2021-04-22


美国哥伦比亚大学法学院讲席教授和中国法中心主任李本(Benjamin Liebman) 教授主讲:  公正自动化?:中国法庭中的人工智能”。

评议人: 哈佛大学法学院讲席教授安守廉(William Alford)教授和康奈尔大学法学院讲席教授Valerie Hans 教授。

本次起,所有剩余讲座将提前到北美东部时间早上9点开始,所以此次讲座是东部时间12月11日早上9:00-11:30 (即北京时间周五12月11日晚上10:00-12:30)


 讲座题目 ·

Automating Fairness?: Artificial Intelligence in Chinese Courts


 主讲人 ·

美国哥伦比亚大学法学院Robert Lieff讲席教授和中国法中心主任李本(Benjamin Liebman) 教授

Benjamin L. Liebman is the Robert L. Lieff Professor of Law and director of the Center for Chinese Legal Studies at Columbia Law School. He is also the director of the Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law.  His current research focuses on the use of computational tools to study Chinese court judgments, the roles of artificial intelligence and big data in the Chinese legal system, Chinese tort law, Chinese criminal procedure, and the evolution of China’s courts.

His recent publications include Ordinary Tort Litigation in China: Law Versus Practical Justice?, in the Journal of Tort Law (2020) and Mass Digitization of Chinese Court Opinions: How to Use Text as Data in the Field of Chinese Law in the Journal of Law and Courts (2020). He co-authored the book “Regulating the Visible Hand: The Institutional Implications of Chinese State Capitalism,” with Curtis J. Milhaupt, Oxford University Press (2015). Prior to joining the Law School’s faculty in 2002, Liebman was an associate in the London and Beijing offices of Sullivan & Cromwell. He also previously served as a law clerk to Justice David Souter and to Judge Sandra Lynch of the First Circuit. He is a graduate of Yale University, the University of Oxford, and Harvard Law School. 


哈佛大学法学院讲席教授和东亚法律研究项目主任安守廉(William Alford)教授

Bill Alford is the Jerome A. and Joan L. Cohen Professor of East Asian Legal Studies at Harvard  and directs the Law School's East Asian Legal Studies program. A scholar of Chinese law and legal history, he is the author or editor ofTo Steal a Book is an Elegant Offense: Intellectual Property Law in Chinese Civilization  (1995), Raising the Bar: The Emerging Legal Profession in East Asia (2007), 残疾人法律保障机制研究 (A Study of Legal Mechanisms to Protect Persons with Disabilities) (2008, with Wang Liming and Ma Yu’er), Prospects for the Professions in China (2011, with William Kirby and Kenneth Winston) and Taiwan and International Human Rights (2019, with Jerome A. Cohen and Lo Chang-fa. Alford also serves as Chair of the Harvard Law School Project on Disability and is Senior Advisor to the Dean and Vice Dean for graduate and international studies.

 评议人 ·

康奈尔大学法学院讲席教授Valerie Hans 教授

Valerie P. Hans is the Charles F. Rechlin Professor of Law at Cornell Law School. Professor Hans is a leading authority on the jury system. Author or editor of nine books and over 150 research articles, she has carried out extensive research and lectured, consulted, and written widely about juries and other forms of lay participation in legal systems worldwide. In addition to research on the American jury, Professor Hans has studied the introduction of juries and different forms of citizen participation in East Asia and elsewhere. She is past president of the Law and Society Association, past co-president of the Society for Empirical Legal Studies, and a co-organizer of the Collaborative Research Network on Lay Participation in Legal Decision Making.  

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